Subscribe & Save

  • How do I subscribe to a product?

    To start your Brainzyme® subscription, simply go to the page of your chosen product, select your chosen quantity and click the “Subscribe & Save'' option. Choose the delivery frequency you desire (30, 60, 90 or 180 days), then add to cart and proceed to checkout.
  • How do I cancel my subscription?

    To cancel your subscriptions, simply click on the ‘Account’ icon  (see below) at the top right of any page. Enter the email address you used to place your subscription order. You will receive an email with a link which will take you to your subscription. Select “View Subscription”, then select...
  • How do I update my subscription preferences?

    To manage your subscriptions, simply click on the ‘Account’ icon (see below) at the top right of any page. Enter the email address you used to place your subscription order. You will receive an email with a link which will take you to the subscription portal. You can edit the subscription freq...
  • When will I be charged?

    The initial payment for your subscription will be withdrawn at the time of checkout. Your subscription will automatically renew on a recurring basis (at your chosen frequency), at which time your payment card will be charged automatically for the subscription products, including applicable shippi...
  • Can I apply a discount code or Medal’s Cash Voucher to my subscription purchase?

    Signing up to Brainzyme® subscriptions will give you a discounted price of 16% for your first and future recurring payments. If you have a valid discount code or Medal’s Cash Voucher, you can apply it during checkout or to an existing subscription in the Subscription Portal, which will provide a...
  • What if I need help to manage my subscription?

    No problem! Reach out to us at and we’d be happy to help.
  • How do I update my shipping address?

    You can update your shipping address in the Subscription Portal. Click here and enter the email address you used to place your subscription order. You will receive an email with a link which will take you to the subscription portal. There, you can update your shipping address. Note: For urgent a...
  • What are the benefits of subscribing to Brainzyme®?

    By subscribing, you’ll receive a generous 16% discount on your first order and every recurring order. Plus, as a subscriber, you'll be treated to free products with every 3rd renewal, and there's no need to exchange any points for these rewards. Additionally, you can enjoy the benefits of exclusi...